
Seven bland takeaways on the global economy

Here are the seven main takeaways from the gathering in Lima. (Photo: Reuters)

Bloomberg View columnist Mohamed A. El-Erian shares his views on the global economy after the recently concluded meetings of the IMF and World Bank in Lima.

Humala anuncia junto al presidente de la ONU que su principal meta es “erradicar el hambre”


El mandatario subrayó la importancia de tomar buenas decisiones políticas, pues muchos alimentos se desperdician. Participó junto a Ban Ki-moon en un evento en el marco de la Junta de Gobernadores del FMI y Banco Mundial.

China anuncia que prevé crecer 7% en los próximos 10 años


El viceministro de Finanzas de China, Shi Yaobin, aseguró que su país se siente “cómodo” con un crecimiento de 7%, el cual considera bastante significativo.

Christine Lagarde, César Vallejo y líneas de Nasca: la combinación para el futuro económico


La directora del FMI, Christine Lagarde, esbozó una serie de recomendaciones para la economía mundial que ayudarían a salir de la crisis a los países.

World Bank Group announces annual climate funding could total US$ 29 billion

Currently, 21% of the Bank Group’s funding is climate related. President Jim Yong Kim said today that could rise to 28% in 2020 in response to client demand, representing a one-third increase in climate financing.

WB: Peru has been a leader in investing in health and well-being of women and children

In just eight years, the country reduced the rate of stunting by half, to 14%, said World Bank Group president Jim Yong Kim.

Discurso de Jim Yong Kim inspirado en su paso por Perú ilustró el reto para las economías


El presidente del Banco Mundial demostró cómo la lucha contra la pobreza puede tener resultados positivos solo con decisión, incluso por encima de las prohibiciones.

Ollanta Humala: Perú pide al mundo plantear el reto de desarrollo sostenible


El presidente de la República, Ollanta Humala, participó en la inauguración del plenario de la Junta de Gobernadores del Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI).

Sean Penn: “Muchas ONG buscando hacer el bien han acabado haciendo mucho daño”


En la Junta de Gobernadores, el actor fue ponente en un panel sobre emprendedores y aseguró que su rol es el de animador sobre las causas que defienden.

Olivier Blanchard: China slump would cause global crisis, chances small

Ex chief economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) does not think the Chinese economy has slowed down very much so far.

Julio Velarde: gran parte de la inflación es por el alza del tipo de cambio


El presidente del BCR, Julio Velarde, afirmó que la tasa de interés de octubre se subió porque las expectativas de inflación para el próximo año no estaban bien ancladas.

Nuevo Fondo Cero en las AFP no evitará el riesgo de sufrir pérdidas


El presidente de la Asociación de AFP, Luis Valdivieso, refirió que los instrumentos de renta fija también tienen un riesgo de pérdida, aunque mucho menor en comparación a los instrumentos de renta variable. Posibilidad de pérdida también fue confirmada por la SBS.

No room for mistakes as world economic waters turn choppy

Lagarde has reiterated the IMF’s view that the Fed has scope to leave the benchmark policy rate near zero.

Weak demand is creating ‘unforgiving’ environment, Carney says; while IMF chief Lagarde notes that China’s economic transition will be bumpy.

Gastronomic guide in Lima

Check out these top award-winning restaurants while in Lima.

Looking for the ultimate culinary experience in the Peruvian capital? Indulge in the delights offered by these world-renowned restaurants located in Lima.

Sean Penn: "Son los ciudadanos jóvenes los que tienen que liderar los gobiernos"


El actor, en plena Junta de Gobernadores del BM y el FMI, convocó el espíritu activista de los jóvenes emprendedores y los exhortó a romper el “molde y condicionamiento” de los paradigmas en hoy rigen el mundo.

Gobierno iniciará reducción de beneficiarios de emblemático programa social Juntos


Mientras el ministro de Economía y Finanzas, Alonso Segura, afirma que varios de los programas sociales del Gobierno llegaron a su etapa de maduración, la titular del MIDIS, Paola Bustamante, asegura que Juntos y Pensión 65 están en su etapa de inflexión.

Banco Mundial recortará drásticamente sus préstamos en dos o tres años


Jim Yong Kim, presidente del BM, dijo sentirse preocupado por el contexto económico ante el posible encarecimiento del crédito con el alza de tasa de la FED y los precios de los commodities deprimidos.

Jim Yong Kim a jóvenes: "despierten y no permitan que viejos como nosotros destruyan su planeta"


El presidente del Banco Mundial, en un discurso que colinda en lo antisistema, apeló a la “rabia justa” y la “pasión” de los jóvenes emprendedores para resolver problemas mundiales como el cambio climático.

BCR tomará medidas para que bancos reduzcan créditos hipotecarios y vehiculares en dólares


El presidente del BCR, Julio Velarde, afirmó que también se busca limitar el endeudamiento en dólares de las empresas. Las medidas se anunciarán este mes.

Christine Lagarde: "Relación del FMI con AL es más cooperativa y menos prescriptiva que antes"


La directora del FMI destacó las alianzas cada vez más cooperativas, demostradas en otorgamiento de líneas de crédito, con los países de la region latinoamericana.

Esta es la ‘receta' del FMI, inspirada en la cocina peruana, para la recuperación económica


La directora del FMI recomendó a los jefes de los Bancos Centrales gestionar las condiciones económicas, tener cuidado con los agentes de contagio y ahondar en la cooperación internacional.

FMI y Banco Mundial proponen eliminar subsidios a los combustibles para luchar contra el cambio climático


Refieren que es el mejor momento para aplicar medida debido al bajo precio del petróleo. Christine Lagarde critica que los subsidios son indiscriminados y no ayudan solo a los pobres. Jim Yong Kim refiere que será duro el reto de aplicar esta medida pues resultará impopular.

Why the Fed's rate debate is so odd

The assumption is that the Fed has intervened in the market by maintaining a “zero interest rate policy.”

There are two odd things about this debate. The first is that proponents of an interest-rate increase generally treat it as an end in itself. The second is that a tiny increase in the federal funds rate should be thought to be so important either way.

BM: Perú tiene una de las legislaciones laborales más restrictivas del mundo


El organismo multilateral ha identificado cinco políticas que debe seguir el país y se basan en temas de Reglamentación, Comercio, Mercado Laboral, Finanzas e Innovación.

Perú da señales de una "aceleración tenue" de su economía, según el FMI


El director del Departamento del Hemisferio Occidental del FMI, Alejandro Werner, afirmó que la tasa de crecimiento de la región el 2016 dependerá del desempeño de Brasil.

Fitch: TPP would set key precedents for global integration

The TPP covers 12 countries including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Peru and Chile.

The TPP will be a significant contributor to economic integration over the long term for member states. However, it is unlikely to be a game-changer for members’ economic prospects in the short term, says Fitch.

Joseph Stiglitz on TPP: "Peru is unambiguously worse off, TPP is a motivator of greater inequality"


The Nobel prize winner fired against the recently sealed agreement. He warns that political leaders are rambling on with a mixture of “lies and half-truths”. He also states that drugs will be more expensive.

Cuisine, a tenor and hip hop: this is what Peru offers to IMF/WB visitors

Peruvian tenor Juan Diego Flores will perfom on the last day of the IMF/WB event. (Photo: USI)

To kick off the week-long event, visitors were treated to a variety of traditional dances and music from different parts of Peru. But that’s just the beginning of a sheer sense-pleasing experience for foreign delegates.

Martin Wolf: “It makes sense for capital flows to continue in emerging countries”


Uncertainty regarding the monetary policy tightening of the Federal Reserve is widespread. Considering it would be very small and very short, the Associate Editor of Financial Times points out that an interest rate increase is largely already in the markets and should not have a big impact in countries like Peru.

UBS Asset Management: QE genie should go back in bottle

The QE genie needs to go back in the bottle, says analyst.

Quantitative easing was a vital tool in fighting a profound once-in-a-century risk, but there are now strong arguments that it is distorting and damaging capital-investment decisions, says head of global strategy at the UBS unit.

Joseph Stiglitz: "Structural reforms in the USA have been a total failure"


Nobel prize laureate states that the bottom 90% of Americans have seen their incomes stagnate for almost half a century. That -he affirms- is a failed economy. He also believes it is time for emerging markets to renew efforts on diversifying their economies.

Top economies move toward crackdown on corporate tax dodging

Peru’s capital city Lima hosts this week the annual meetings of the IMF and World Bank Boards of Governors. (Reuters)

Finance ministers from the 20 leading world economies will discuss the plan in Peru on Thursday, and their leaders are expected to finalize it at a G-20 summit next month in Turkey.

Venezuela worst in world as IMF forecasts economy to shrink 10%

Nicolas Maduro’s policy response to the economic crisis remains paralyzed ahead of congressional elections set for Dec. 6.

Venezuela is projected to experience a deep recession in 2015 and 2016, the IMF said in its World Economic Outlook, announced at a media briefing during its annual meeting in Lima, Peru.

Meche Correa shows Peruvian style to 12,000 delegates

Meche Correa’s show at the IMF/WB venue combines local art, design and fashion.

The Peruvian designer presents her collection to the world during this week’s IMF/WB annual event in Lima, highlighting the alpaca fabric and embroidery.

IMF now sees Latam recession this year as Brazil slumps

IMF managing director Christine Lagarde is in Peru to attend the IMF/WB annual meetings.

It would be the first recession for the Latin American and Caribbean region since 2009. But the IMF, which is holding its annual meeting in Peru this week, said the region’s economy should recover in 2016 to expand by 0.8%.

Here's what the G-20 nations are pledging on climate change

The 10 biggest polluters all submitted documents.

As of last Friday, 119 submissions were on the website of the UN body overseeing the talks that involve more than 190 nations intending to seal the deal in Paris in December.

Russian and Ukrainian finance ministers to meet in Peru this week

Ukrainian finance minister Natalie Jaresko. (Photo: Reuters)

The finance ministers of Russia and Ukraine will hold talks during the International Monetary Fund’s visiting session due this week in Lima.

IMF: China’s yuan level remains in line with fundamentals

China is shifting away from cheap exports and debt-fueled investment to increase the share of services and consumption.

As the plenary meetings of the IMF and WB draw closer, the IMF estimated that a one percentage point slowdown in China’s growth translates into a 0.3% decline for other Asian countries.

World Bank's Jim Yong Kim to ask leaders for capital injection

World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim.

Kim will lobby members to boost capital for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development during an annual meeting to be held in Peru this week.

World's "extremely poor" to fall below 10% of global population

Around half of those living in extreme poverty by 2020 will hail from hard-to-reach and conflict-affected states. (Reuters)

Extreme poverty has long been defined as living on or below $1.25 a day, but the World Bank’s adjustment now sets the poverty line at $1.90 a day.

Africa faces the challenge of sustaining growth amid weak global conditions

Sharp drops in the price of oil and other commodities have brought on the recent weakness in growth.

Growth in Africa will slow in 2015 to 3.7% from 4.6% in 2014, reaching the lowest growth rate since 2009, according to new World Bank

Editorial: Reality talks

“The challenge that Latin America faces is to concentrate on the many structural reforms it has the urgency to implement”.

IMF is preparing to cut its 3.3% forecast for global growth

Structural shifts are playing a part too as countries including U.S. and China rely on increased production at home and fewer trade deals are struck, suggesting globalization may have peaked.

The United States is not immune to global slowdown

The continued stimulative monetary policy of close-to-zero rates is unlikely to do much to resolve what ails the U.S. and rest of the world. There is much to expect from the IMF/WB meeting in Lima.

How emerging economies can turbocharge growth

Countries can use the shadow economy as a resource for quick growth through sheer political will. Most of the money in the shadows comes from tax-evading legitimate businesses. See whats it comes from the IMF/WB meeting in Lima.